Aceni solution to update contact records Finding a solution to update contact records When a UK client in the construction industry needed a tool to update…
Dale Farm saves time with digital payslip distribution Using Epay, by Datagraphic, Dale Farm saves over half a day with digital payslips. Payroll saves time with Epay.
Transport for London save 160 days annually in administration time via Epay The payroll team needed a solution that would save them time and resources and offer a more secure way for employees to access their pay documents online.
Vale of Glamorgan Council deliver the best online payslip experience across multiple devices via Epay The payroll team needed a more efficient way of delivering online payslips to all employees whilst removing the internal resource of printing and distributing payslips. They needed the solution to be secure and easy to use for both system users and employees.
Enfield Council deliver secure, simple and sustainable payslips via Epay The payroll team needed a solution that provided employees with a secure, simple and sustainable way of accessing their pay documents online.
University of Salford deliver a 100% paperless service via Epay The payroll team at the University of Salford needed an online payslips solution that could be implemented at speed in order to maintain a normal service for their staff.
Provident Financial Group deliver an improved employee experience via Epay The payroll team at Provident Financial Group needed a faster way of delivering payslips that was more secure and improved accessibility for all employees: office and field-based.
Butcher’s Pet Care deliver payslips in minutes via Epay The payroll team at Butcher’s Pet Care needed a payslip distribution solution that saved them time, whilst also improving employee experience.
Yorkshire Water Goes Greener with Epay Yorkshire Water’s payroll team needed a more efficient process that also worked towards their ‘green’ objective.
St James’ Hospital Improves Accessibility with Epay St James’ Hospital needed a more effective solution that reduced internal processing time and kept sensitive employee data safe. It was also important for employees to quickly receive help with any queries they may have.
University of Surrey securely presents online payroll documents with Epay The payroll team at a leading university often found paper payslips were being misplaced by employees, therefore they needed a secure alternative for distributing payslips.
ScotRail Takes Control with Epay ScotRail wanted to improve control of payslip distribution. To remove collating and distributing payslips from head office and at a local level, and to source a multi-channel Epay service that would print payslips for employees who didn’t ‘opt in’ to epayslips.