What is Epay? A secure online portal that presents past and present employee documents in one place, Epay offers employees quick and easy…
University of Surrey securely presents online payroll documents with Epay The payroll team at a leading university often found paper payslips were being misplaced by employees, therefore they needed a secure alternative for distributing payslips.
ScotRail Takes Control with Epay ScotRail wanted to improve control of payslip distribution. To remove collating and distributing payslips from head office and at a local level, and to source a multi-channel Epay service that would print payslips for employees who didn’t ‘opt in’ to epayslips.
Specsavers bring reward statements to life with Epay Specsavers needed an efficient, accessible and engaging way of communicating Total Reward Statements (TRS) to employees, regardless of their location.
Pay Check Keeps Competitive with Epay Pay Check have worked with Datagraphic for many years, buying payroll stationery and offering Epay to their clients. But one document type they hadn’t explored was online P45s.
Epay without Payroll Change for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Basingstoke and Deane Council needed a flexible, cost-effective epayslip provider who could present data from their existing software.
How employees access Epay 2017 Latest findings show 60% of employees access epayslips and other pay documents from a mobile device. It’s time to think mobile-first for all employee communications.
Multi-channel payslips for Southeastern employees with Epay With a diverse workforce, Southeastern employees wanted alternative way’s to view their pay information. Epay helped them deliver a multi-channel solution.
Rapid return-on-investment for Sodexo with Epay With high print and postal costs, Sodexo needed a more effective way to deliver payslips. Sodexo saved £160,000 a year with Epay.
Improve the value of employee documents The start to better documents is with data, so in this paper we share tips for better data collection and use, to help you make the most of your employee documents.
How employees access epayslips 2016 This report shows employees access epayslips in different ways: PC, mobile, tablet and games consoles. Emphasising the need for multi-channel communications.
H&M save 156 days administration time annually with Epay In an on-demand world, employees want answers instantly. Epay provides this. Now H&M employees can access pay information anytime, anywhere.