[Webinar] Better Income Recovery in 2021

In 2021, traditional income recovery communications will struggle to engage customers with very differing needs.

In this 35-minute webinar (recorded 8th December 2020), we share insights on how customer needs will change in the year ahead. And, we offer practical ideas for digital and physical communications you can start immediately, to improve payment recovery and customer contact strategies.

You can watch the webinar on-demand below.

Insights for better income recovery in 2021

Income, revenue, debt – the terms you use to describe payments due to your organisation might differ. Still, every finance team has the same challenge: collecting money that’s due.

Whether you’re making collections from consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B), income recovery in 2021 will present its unique challenges.

Across B2C, the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has driven real wealth inequality. Whilst some people have become unexpectedly ‘cash-rich’ – from lower spending on commuting and impulse purchases. Other people face real hardship – working less hours or being made redundant.

In B2B, a fragile UK economy and Brexit, mean organisations are even more acutely aware of cashflow. And they will actively seek to query and control more outgoing payments to support their post-pandemic recovery.

Teams responsible for financial documents and debt collection must, therefore, now put in place communication plans to maximise recoveries for differing customer positions.

This webinar explores how you can adapt your customer contact plans for better engagement and income recovery with different customer groups.

Digital v physical customer communications

Digital transformation is on the agenda, but for many customers – and organisations – hard copy documents still have a place. How do you satisfy everyone without disrupting processes or investing in technology that takes years to deliver returns?

In this webinar, we discuss the merits of both digital and physical communications and look at how they can work together – a multi-channel approach – for better engagement. And we share communication ideas you can set-up in weeks without capital investment.

Better digital engagement

This webinar is all about ideas you can use in 2021. Going to the board for capital investment for new software or equipment in uncertain economic times is a big ask. So, we share practical suggestions that cost pennies to do, but help you pull in the pounds much faster.

We look at printing techniques you can use to add value to your outbound invoices and dunning letter. You’ll see ways to automate all those copy document requests – even before they’re requested! – and learn how digital surveys and forms can help you gain intelligence on your customers’ abilities to pay.

In this interactive session, we showcase the latest developments in customer engagement and answer questions from the audience of finance professionals.


If you have any questions about this event or would like more information on multi-channel communications for better income recovery, please contact us.
