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Datagraphic COVID-19 status – We’re open.

There is no impact from COVID-19 on the services of Datagraphic Limited or Datagraphic Group.


Published 24th January 2022

Following a change in the UK Government’s advice that working from home is no longer necessary, Datagraphic staff are returning to our offices with every precaution being taken to maintain a COVID-secure workplace.


Published 1st December 2021

In response to the emergence and spread of the Omicron variant, as a precaution, from today, members of our client services, technical services and IT support teams will be working from home. All services continue to operate fully.

Published 19th July 2021

Today, most legal restrictions to control COVID-19 in England are removed.

As a business, we will, however, continue to carry out health and safety risk assessments that include the risk of COVID-19 and take reasonable steps to mitigate the risks.

As cases of COVID-19 are still high in England, we are asking staff to continue home testing for COVID-19 until further notice. And we have been communicating the importance of regular hand washing and sanitising.

We thank our clients and employees for their continued support.

Published 5th January 2021

A video update on Datagraphic’s response to COVID-19.

This is a message from our Group Managing Director, Glyn King, following the UK Government’s latest COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ announcement.


Published 4th January 2021

Week commencing 4th January 2021. There is no impact from COVID-19 on the services of Datagraphic Limited or Datagraphic Group.

Published 26th November 2020

Following the UK Government’s update (26th November 2020) – on local restriction tiers for England from 2nd December – we can confirm that Datagraphic sites will remain open.

It will be business as usual at our manufacturing and distribution sites as they continue to supply essential communications for key industries.

Naturally, we continue to take every precaution to maintain a COVID-secure workplace.

Published 23rd November 2020

As a manufacturer of essential communications, Datagraphic remains open during ‘lockdown 2.0’ in England.

Our core business is helping key sectors such as payroll, healthcare and financial services to produce and distribute critical communications. We’re also supporting public and private sector clients during the pandemic by sending out their urgent COVID-19 correspondence: such as food voucher letters and furlough communications.

Naturally, we’re following and closely monitoring UK Government advice. To protect our colleagues, those who can work from home are doing so, and extra hygiene measures are in place to maintain a COVID-secure workplace for those needed on-site.

We thank our clients and employees for their continued support during this time.

Published 22nd September 2020

In response to the UK Government’s announcement of 22nd September 2020, our team members who can work from home are now doing so. 

Several essential key workers and core management will continue to work on-site in roles that:

  • manufacture and distribute essential transactional and advice communications for key industries
  • support the data and IT infrastructure to deliver the vital communications above
  • monitor safeguarding and support, key workers

We have taken every practical step to provide a COVID-secure workplace, and we continuously monitor Government advice and employee feedback to maintain the highest standards.

We thank our clients and employees for their continued support during this national crisis.

Published 21st September 2020

We continue to monitor daily Government advice and are taking extra measures to maintain our COVID-secure workplaces.

Published 31st July 2020

From today, Friday 31st July 2020, members of our client services, technical services and IT support teams (who have been working from home) are returning to work at our Rugby site as part of a phased return to our COVID secure workplace.

Published 22nd June 2020

A video update on our business stress test performance.


Published 11th May 2020

Our business continuity plan has been extended to take measures to provide a COVID-secure workplace for employees who are unable to work from home. And we are supporting those who can work from home to do so.

We have been busy onboarding many new clients to our Aceni Hybrid Mail and Epay applications. The team has been setting up these clients in 48 hours and ensuring there is the resource in our systems to meet the increasing demand.

The whole team are working hard and continue to meet our clients’ SLAs.

Thank you to everyone for their continued support of our business.

Published 21st April 2020

A video update on Datagraphic’s response to Coronavirus.


Published 9th April 2020

We are continuously reviewing technical and production capacity and our business continuity plans. These continue to work well, and we are open for business again today with no reported issues.

Any staff that can work from home continue to do so, with a core team of essential workers at our production and distribution centres.

Published 30th March 2020

Our Business Continuity plans continue to hold up well during this outbreak.

Last week we met all Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and we continue to work hard as a team to support our clients with essential communications.

We constantly monitor our production environment and take every possible measure to protect our team.

Published 24th March 2020

In response to the UK government’s announcement on the 23rd March 2020 that people should stay at home – unless their work absolutely cannot be done at home – here is clarification on Datagraphic’s position.

As of Tuesday, 24th March 2020, only essential members of Datagraphic’s workforce attend work daily. These are workers unable to work from home. Those involved in:

  • the production and distribution of essential transactional and advice communications for key industries, including:
    • Health
    • Financial services
    • Utilities
  • the production and distribution of cheques for expected payments
  • the distribution of legally required payslips and P60s for the payroll industry
  • in support of the data and IT infrastructure to deliver the vital communications above
  • a senior management role, providing safeguarding and support to other essential workers defined above

We have taken every practical step to increase hygiene routines and support essential workers with social distancing, including split-shift working to minimise contact.

All our other teams are functioning as normal, all from the safety of their homes.

We want to thank all clients and employees for their continued support during this national crisis.

Published 22nd March 2020

Datagraphic produces essential documents, such as:

  • an approved C&CCC supplier to the Financial Services sector
  • part of the UK payroll industry: delivering millions of payslips and P60s
  • a supplier of patient communication letters for NHS trusts

As such, Datagraphic employees are considered essential workers during the response to COVID-19.

To ensure we protect our essential workers and keep producing these vital documents, we plan to maintain a full workforce in the production centre.

Measures we have in place include:

  • reallocating the night shift to daytime work: to provide contingency should employees need to self-isolate.
  • ensuring our client services and management teams (many of whom have worked in production before) have up-to-date skills to provide further cover.

We are also in regular contact with our mail service providers, Whistl and Royal Mail. Each has robust Business Continuity plans to continue the delivery of mail.

In addition, measures implemented last week (for our client services and IT teams to work from home and split team working) are functioning well.

There is currently no impact from COVID-19 on the services of Datagraphic Limited or Datagraphic Group. We continue to operate to business-as-usual standards.

Published 17th March 2020

Following the UK government’s advice on Monday, 16th March 2020, we have now implemented the following business continuity measures:

  • Client services and data teams are now following split team working patterns.
  • Back-office staff who can work from home have been advised to do so.

Published 13th March 2020

A summary of Datagraphic’s response to COVID-19.

As a provider of business-critical communications, at Datagraphic, we have comprehensive business continuity plans. Recently, we have been testing these plans in response to COVID-19.

Following the UK government’s announcement – of a move to the ‘Delay’ phase of its COVID-19 planning – we want to share with you details of our response to COVID-19.

Active Incident Management for COVID-19

In changing situations like this, agility is vital. We have a team of key personnel at Datagraphic monitoring COVID-19 updates. We follow guidance from the UK government, regulatory agencies and health professionals. As for advice changes, we are ready to fast-track decision-making via our leadership team.

We have key personnel coordinating internal roles and responsibilities during this outbreak. We also have a backup team if this team falls ill or cannot carry out its responsibilities.

Plans to minimise business disruption from COVID-19

We aim to deliver as near to ‘business as usual’ services as possible during this outbreak. We have tested preparations for office closures, production limitations and critical service disruptions.

Should we need to restrict access to our offices, we have secure remote connections to our business systems: allowing staff to work from home. Phone lines can also divert to avoid disruption to inbound call handling.

COVID-19 impact on travel and business meetings

To reduce the risk of infection, we have restricted travel and meetings. Travel to, from or through COVID-19-affected countries is suspended. Non-essential UK travel is under review. People returning from any country affected by COVID-19 must self-isolate for at least 14 days.

Face-to-face meetings are, where practical, taking place using video or telephone conference channels.

Measures to protect our production centre

Restrictions in our production centre now stop access by non-essential visitors and suppliers.

Should production personnel be ill or unable to complete their duties, we have extra staff cross-trained to operate equipment and complete client orders.

If our production centre is significantly affected by COVID-19, we will invoke our incident/recovery protocols. This ensures that our business operations continue if our primary physical space is unavailable.

We are also monitoring raw material supplies. Where possible, we have extra stocks: so production can continue: should supply chains lengthen.

Suppliers, couriers and site visitors are asked to follow our strict hygiene guidance and risk assessments.

Technical provisions

Our IT infrastructure and web-based applications have resilience built-in. Our system virtualisation and replication processes ensure services continue: should the primary resource be unavailable.