2 minute read

Moving to electronic payslips is a simple and straightforward payroll innovation.

Electronic payslips – also known as online payslips and epayslips – are the most efficient and secure way for employees to receive their payslips.

The latest payslips research from the CIPP found that 47% of organisations offer digital payslips via an online portal.

So organisations are beginning to realise how epayslips can benefit their operations.

The benefits of digital payslips

There are many ways in which organisations can improve payroll functions and employee experience using document automation.

By delivering digital payslips, organisations can:

  1. Keep employee details secure to improve data protection.
  2. Reduce time spent on manually producing and distributing paper payslips to increase productivity.
  3. Eliminate spending on stationery, printing equipment and postage costs.
  4. Offer access from any location.
  5. Provide 24/7/365 availability.
  6. Host historical documents in one single place, accessible on any device.
  7. Cater for all employees regardless of employment type, location or status, including temporary. workers, office staff, remote staff, students and pensioners.

electronic payslip

Epay digital payslips statistics

Here are just headlines of how Datagraphic clients have used our Epay payslips portal between 2021-22:

  • We’ve hosted over 100 million employee documents over the year. That’s everything from payslips, P60s, timesheets, P11Ds, pay award letters and more.
  • Almost 50% of employees accessed their payslips on an iPhone, but users also viewed their payroll documents on Android, Windows and other devices or operating systems, including PlayStation.
  • Most people accessed their epayslips between office hours, but users continue to use their portals around the clock.
  • The most common browsers used to access online documents were Safari and Chrome.
  • Employees viewed and downloaded payslips from every continent, including exotic locations such as St Lucia and Fiji.

Digital payslips statistics round up

About Epay

Datagraphic’s secure electronic payslip portal, Epay, delivers key features and benefits for the organisation. With quick and easy access to their pay information from any device, location, and time, employees are in control.

Epay works with data from your current systems, which means it can go live within weeks without costly change projects.

Clients can benefit from achieving efficiencies whilst retaining flexibility through its multi-channel approach. This means that users can still receive a printed and mailed copy if they prefer or opt for a digital version.

Speak to one of our experts to find out how digital payslips can benefit your payroll team.