22nd May 2019 How to manage remote teams 3 minute readHalf the UK workforce expected to be working remotely by 2020. As remote working becomes more popular you need appropriate technology and automation tools to help you maximise its potential.
8th May 2019 Taking steps to drive digital 3 minute readWhat can payroll teams do to gain the digital tools they need to be able to move towards a more strategic role? Datagraphic’s Glyn King explores the options.
8th May 2019 Don’t let legacy systems drag you down 2 minute readDespite best intentions to satisfy customers’ digital needs quickly, easily and securely, organisations often hit a bump in the road when it comes to extracting the data from their legacy systems.
1st May 2019 Think big, start small to win with technology in 2019 3 minute readDatagraphic’s Glyn King looks at technology and document automation resolutions payroll can achieve in 2019.
7th Sep 2018 The future of payroll: how the profession can evolve 2 minute readAnalyst, communicator, reward and well-being partner: will these roles define the payroll team of the future? Or will payroll leave traditional operational tasks to automation tools and focus more on strategic and human roles?
29th Mar 2018 How secure is email? < 1 minute readEmail is quick, easy and convenient. But with stricter legislation and a society that is becoming very protective (and rightly so) over their personal data, can you really trust email as a secure way of communicating financial or personal information?
11th Jul 2017 6 ways virtual reality is more than just a game 2 minute readVirtual Reality is more than just a game. Here’s 6 examples to show you why.